The truth of those who leave

mamá con su bebé

I still remember the day I arrived here. (United States)

– Do you still remember?

– That day will never be forgotten. My brother and I came together. He got very, very bad on the way and asked me to leave him there. I replied, how do you think I’m going to leave you here? I wasn’t going to come, I was going to stay at home with my family, my older brother asked me if I wanted to go with him. I was 16 years old. I told him I was going to stay. One day before leaving, he arrived and said, «Are you coming or staying? I’m leaving tomorrow,» I said, I’m going with you. I said goodbye to my mother, she gave me the blessing. That was the last day I saw her. That already was more than 20 years.

– 20 years?

-You know what I miss the most? My mom, I miss her and I think about her every day. Every time I talk to her on the phone, you can hear in her voice that she’s getting older.